Help your newborn soak up vital knowledge.
It’s true that babies are like sponges: they absorb everything. Right from the start, their little minds are busy growing, trying to understand the world they’ve been born into. As a parent, there are simple things you can do to help your infant develop now that will have positive effects for a lifetime. And it’s as easy as engaging baby’s sense of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Explore some of the ways you can increase the capacity of your newborn to learn.
intentional interactions
Chances are, you may already be connecting with your newborn in many of the ways described below. After all, they’re very natural interactions. But we hope you’ll find this list a helpful reminder about infant care needs from your baby’s perspective. As a parent, you have an opportunity to make a real difference in your child’s future.
Developmental Newborn Milestones
As your baby grows and expands their knowledge and abilities, you’ll naturally want to monitor their progress and watch them as they develop. This is an exciting time when your little one will continue to reach new infant milestones on a regular basis. Here’s what you can look forward to.
Child Development 0 to 3 months
Child Development 3 to 6 months
Child Development 6 to 9 months
Child Development 9 to 12 months
social center
Take advantage of this opportunity to connect with us and join a growing community of parents. We’ll share helpful information and advice about newborn care designed to inspire your baby and have a positive effect on their progress. And along the way, you’ll be able to compare similar experiences with others who are going through many of the same things you are.
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